I think that the sugar will make bigger bubbles because the solution is thicker. the bubbles wont pop as easily.
+ 3 plastic cups
+ liquid detergent
+ measuring equipment/cup & spoons
+ water
+ sugar
+ salt
+ straw
1. label cups 1,2, and 3
1 teaspoon of soap in each cup fill cup with 2/3 cup of water
2. add 1/2 tsp. of salt to #2 stir
3. add 1/2 tsp of sugar to #3 stir
4. dip straw in cup #1 blow bubble from straw
5. repeat for cup #2 
6. observe bubbles
1. bubbles seemed to be bigger with sugar, bubbles were frothyer with salt.
1. The soap cup was medium, sugar was the biggest, salt was smallest, frothyest. I learned that soap is very bubbly. 1 error would be using same straw for all three cups.
I accept my hypothosis that the sugar would make bigger bubbles, because the experiment proves it right.